Cultivate More Peace in Your Life and Household with This One Tip

Cultivate More Peace in Your Life and Household with This One Tip

Some of you are going to think I’m crazy for this simplification approach.

Or maybe you’ll think I’m being too extreme.

But I need to tell you right now, as a busy mama of two little ones and with a business of my own, this has completely changed everything for me when it comes to cultivating more joy and peace in our lives and household:

Sometimes, the best way to simplify your life and business is simply to eliminate a few things.

Elimination of tasks.

Elimination of commitments.

Elimination of belongings and the feeling of what you “should be doing.”

And maybe it’s the minimalist mindset I hold or the results I’ve experienced in the past through this method, but this is my personal favorite way to move toward greater joy and peace in our everyday lives.

It was when my schedule was overbooked that I realized I had a time issue.

It was when every room in our home was filled with STUFF that I realized I had a clutter issue.

(And as you can imagine, this concept goes far beyond our time and our space. But those two real life examples were my personal wake-up calls.)

When you think through your day, look around your space, analyze your use of time… does it feel good and harmonious and at ease? Or does it feel hectic and anxious and out of sorts?

Every individual enjoys a different level of business in their schedule and stuff in their space. The key is to find what balance physically and mentally feels good to you.

What level of rest vs. activity do you need throughout the week in order to function as a happy and healthy human?

What amount of stuff vs. white space do you need in your living and work space in order to function as a productive and peaceful human?

(There’s a ton of science showing that your environment directly influences your behavior, so yes, your physical space can indeed impact your productivity and overall wellbeing!)

Personally, I had a big awakening when we decided to grow our family; bringing little ones into the picture quickly shifted my concept of time and space… and also made it very apparent to me that my desired level of business and stuff had real parameters.

Rest became an even more crucial part of my week, as did carving out time to do creative, productive work.

Slowly, but then more-so over time, I started cutting out obligations and tasks that weren’t adding value or necessary in our lives anymore. Outsourcing or completely eliminating these tasks helped me save time and energy in my week, freeing up space for rest or work.

From the physical space angle, decluttering became a constant in our home; I found (and still find) so much joy in purging what is no longer used, needed, or loved on a regular basis.

(And when you’re able to sell things, the little extra cash in your pocket is an added bonus!)

Now don’t get me wrong; we still have an excess of stuff in our home (the presence of little ones makes that an ongoing battle), and my schedule is far from wide open.

But the knowledge that I have the power to eliminate any item or task no longer serving me or my family at any given time has given me so much peace through this otherwise chaotic season of life.

The next time you feel overwhelm and anxiety creeping into your mind, stop and assess your use of time and physical surroundings. What can be eliminated right now in order to bring more joy and peace to your day?

P.S. Need a little help managing the daily chaos and prioritizing what matters most for a happier, healthier version of yourself? Check out the new Priority Planner Bundle in the shop — four unique priority planning pages designed to help you design your day in a style that works best for you.

With love + inspiration from our home to yours,


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